Site Seeing At Last

As Tommy said yesterday, ”I thought we came here to do and see things. All I’ve done is sit in the car and all I’ve seen are hotels.”
Well, that changed today. On Day 3 of the Cacys Great Adventure, we woke up at our hotel in Charlotteville, Virginia, packed our bags and hit the road, searching for Monticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson. Because of the rain (or downpour, I should say), we didn’t actually make it to the house, but we did have fun at the visitors center! After that, we drove around, observing the historical sites from inside the comfort –or as much comfort as you can have when you are crowded with 9 other people– of our 15 passenger van.

Now we are heading towards the Richmond Historical National Park, listening to my father tell us more about Richmond than we ever need to know from a guide book.
Oh! We have arrived! Got to go now, but keep praying for us and keep checking up on our blog!


  1. You guys are more fun than a barrel of monkeys. I hope you have a great time. I can tell you I’m having a great time reading about your Great Adventure. Keep it up.

  2. At least you were in a “covered wagon” on a paved surface. Continue to enjoy your adventure.

  3. “Are we there yet?” Allie, you have a career in blogging! We’ll miss all of you today at Church. Have fun!

  4. Allie, I love your running storyline!! Keep it going!! Too bad you didn’t get to do Montecello. The house is pretty cool, but I know you’ll LOVE Richmond. Have fun!!

  5. I agree with Gib… this is a good one Allie! 🙂 I’m glad that you’re getting to “go places & do things!”

  6. Hope you make it to Mt. Vernon. (George Washington’s home) Phil’s cousin got married on the Mt. Vernon property a few years ago. It is definately worth a visit if you have the time!

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