miracles and socks

Today, I did laundry for the first (and , hopefully, last) time on this trip. For the first time I can remember all the socks matched! Some of you can appreciate how miraculous that is.

Categorized as General


  1. I will be even more impressed if you finish the trip and still have all the socks matched and in your possession. Continue to enjoy the journey!

  2. Ha. I would imagine if it’s miraculous that socks match with just 2 people in our house, then with 10 in your family… that’s the equivalent of Moses parting the Red Sea. 😉

  3. It’s miraculous to me that you were able to postpone doing laundry for over a week. We seem to be washing every four days or so when on the road.

    And we continue to lose socks,too. The washer must eat them.

    Everyone seems to be having a ball!

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