
Jamestown was the destination for our group today. We left the hotel at 9:15 this morning, breaking our past record of getting out the door at 9:30! The Jamestown Settlement was one of the funnest places we have been to so far, mostly because of all the hands-on stuff we got to do. There, they don’t care if you touch everything, in fact, that is the whole purpose of the settlement! At the Indian Village, we laid down on beds made of animal skins, took turns grinding corn with a mortar and pestle, scraped animal hides and explored all of the “Indian huts”, as Zane called them. At the ships, we all had fun looking around recreations of the Susan Constant, the Discovery, and the Godspeed. We learned how to steer a ship, the way sailors navigated in the early 1600’s, and how horribly uncomfortable the passengers must have been on their voyage! We also visited the Jamestown Settlement, complete with chickens running around (Nellie loved that) and men firing muskets. Zoe, Polly and I learned how to make pasties, or what are today called hot pockets. Papa is looking forward to us making him some soon. But that will have to wait until we get home, because the only thing here in the hotel to cook with is a microwave.

Zane is still feeling poorly, so I hung out in the hotel room while everyone but Samantha went swimming. Please pray for him. I think he has a fever. . . . . I don’t know what else. But anyway, please pray for his healing! We have a lot of fun things we want to do, but we won’t be able to do any of them unless he is feeling better!

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