Fun! Fun! Fun!

We got to go and see the Old Cape Henry Lighthouse! It was a BLAST!!!!  after climbing 74 steps just to look at it we had to climb another 102 steps to get to the top. but the view was well worth it. At the top you could see the ocean for miles and miles.… Continue reading Fun! Fun! Fun!

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We got to go through Colonial Williamsburg (though not in any buildings) Tomorrow we may go again and go in some buildings. Can’t wait!!

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Arrived at Williamsburg last night in time for dinner and a nice swim. We are going sightseeing!!!!

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Louisville, Kentucky

We’re here in Louisville, Kentucky after traveling in the car all day. It was really fun to swim in this hotel’s pool. After driving a while this morning we stopped in Kingdom City at a 50’s 60’s and 70’s store. It was awesome!!!!! There were pictures and things with Elvis Presley and all sorts of… Continue reading Louisville, Kentucky

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A Note From Me

Howdy!  I am so excited about the trip! We have been packing so much and I think this trip will be so fun I can’t wait.

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