Another fun but exhausting day…..

Today we traveled back in time to Colonial Williamsburg, where some of us spent five and a half hours! There was so much to see and do, I almost didn’t know where to start! Fortunately for me, I wasn’t the one deciding what to do. That was all mama, our Trip Coordinator, Snack Provider, Piggy-back Ride Giver (I didn’t ask, but I think she would have said no if I wanted her to carry me) and All-Around General of our expedition. The rest of us (except papa, he’s a General too) just followed orders.

Anyway,after about fifteen minutes at Williamsburg, Zane got a fever. He didn’t feel well enough to walk around for the rest of the day, so papa, Tommy, Zane and Nellie left, leaving the five oldest girls and mom to explore the town. We started by taking several guided tours of different colonial homes and stores, my favorite of which was the George Wythe house (did you know George Wythe never actually lived there? He married the owners daughter, so for some reason now its called the George Wythe house). Nellie also liked the George Wythe house (this was before the littles and papa left) mostly because of the chicken coop out back. Nellie, despite my evidence against her, insists that all chickens say ‘cock-o-doodle-do’. If she doesn’t want to drink from the font of my wisdom, that’s just fine with me.

We also enjoyed visiting a bake shop filled with old-fashioned goodies, as well as things like hot chocolate and coffee. (I don’t know about the coffee, but I highly recommend the hot chocolate!) We then trouped into a building for a colonial dancing lesson. It was fun, but I think I would enjoy a faster paced dance. Oh, and I want to congradulate Wendy on her awesome dancing skills. We rocked the dance floor!

I’m sure there will be lots more adventures waiting around the corner for us, so keep checking and commenting on our blog! I love and miss you all!


  1. Allie, I’m impressed with your writing skills. However, I must agree with Nellie that chickens go ‘cock-o-doodle-doo’ (or is that ‘yankee doodle dandy’?) with an occasional ‘bok, bok, bok’. Keep looking for those great things to write about. Enjoy!

  2. wow allie, you really have a way with words…but of course i allready knew that!! sounds like you guys are havin’ a blast! miss you and love ya!!!

  3. I’m sure Nellie will appreciate your “font of wisdom” someday soon 😉 You guys’ postings are fun to read….sounds like you’re having a great time, and your mom is a great trip coordinator. Too bad some people never appreciate all the things moms do to make trips and things fun for the family. I’m glad you do.

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