Colonial Williamsburg

Today was a fun day on the Cacy adventure. First, we got to sleep in past 7:30am for the first time since Wednesday (I slept till 9am!). Then we once again filled the car up with people, maps, tour books and snacks and headed for Colonial Williamsburg, just a few miles from our hotel in Virginia. Colonial Williamsburg is a ‘town’ designed after the colonial times hundreds of years ago. We walked around, looking at all the cool houses rebuilt by the community. As Samantha posted, her favorite part of the trip was the Governors House, but mine was watching all the draft horses pulling carriages along the cobblestone streets (By the way, what does “cobblestone” mean? Anyone know?). Theres a big surprise. Me like horses? No way! (In case anyone didn’t know, I am kind of obsessed with horses. Just ask my sisters.)

After a great lunch at UNO’s (their Numero Uno pizza is great!), we walked along the beach for a while, playing games and getting rid of all our extra energy (The littles were bouncing off walls). Wendy, Polly and I started digging through the sand, making a maze of connected tunnels. Unfortunately, we didn’t have enough time to finish it (Though I don’t know how we would have ever finished, its kind of a never ending project).

Well, now its hang-out time, after a long swim at the hotel pool and a dinner of sandwiches and soup.Bye to all our friends! I love and miss you all!


  1. When we lived in NC we had season passes to Colonial Williamsburg and went as often as possible. (the summer is a bit challenging with the heat and humidity) Hope you have a great time. When you get home we’ll have to tell you the story of trying to eat in one of the historic taverns. Chris was a baby and it was an “interesting” meal time…to say the least!

  2. For those so inclined to know more about cobblestones…

    cob·ble·stone (kbl-stn) n.
    A naturally rounded paving stone.
    [Middle English cobelston : obsolete cobel, probably diminutive of cob, round object; see cob + Middle English ston, stone, stone; see stone.]

    Cob”ble*stone` (?), n.
    A large pebble; a rounded stone not too large to be handled; a small boulder; — used for paving streets and for other purposes.
    © Webster 1913.

  3. One of my favorite memories of Williamsburg was bringing home a recipe for sweet potato muffins. That was ten years ago and we still eat them. Remind me, I’ll make some for all the Cacy’s to try.

    I am enjoying your blog.

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