Divorce and Remarriage in the Bible, Part 1 – Introduction

The purpose of this series of posts is to identify the biblical guidelines for divorce and remarriage. So you don’t have to wait until the last post to find my conclusion, here it is: I conclude that both the Old and New Testaments provide certain grounds for a valid divorce, which includes the option of remarriage. Divorce outside of these grounds is forbidden to Christians, and Christians are always encouraged to maintain the marriage. Read on for the details!

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Divorce and Remarriage in the Bible, Part 0

I didn’t pay much attention to this topic until just a couple of years ago, when a friend I was mentoring asked me about it; he was divorced and wanted to know whether he could remarry. That set me on a journey, and I felt a great deal of responsibility: here was a guy who had approached me to disciple him, and we had spent quite a bit of time together. He was a member of the small group my wife and I led, so when he asked me this, I really did feel a pastoral concern for him. I also felt somewhat embarrassed, actually, that I didn’t have a response! I really didn’t know all the Bible had to say on the subject, nor the wide variety of opinions which Bible students and teachers have had over the years. But boy, was I to find out.

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The Message of the Wise Men

A lot has been made of the wise men who visited Jesus very early in his life, and it seems that most folks are interested in knowing who they are or where they came from, why they brought gifts, what the star they followed actually was, etc. These are all interesting questions, but I want to look at something else. (By the way, fast facts on the wise men: we don’t know how many, we don’t know from where, and there’s nothing which says they were kings.)

I want to focus on the fact that they were not Israelites. What in the world were they doing there? Why did Matthew include them in his gospel? Most of Jesus’ interactions in this gospel were with other Jews, so it seems important when these foreigners are mentioned so prominently.

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